Ministry Guide

Resurrection Bible Fellowship Ministry Guide


Disciple of Administration:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by organizing, administering, promoting, and leading the various affairs of the church!

  • Disciple Datia Johnson
  • Disciple Janice Spain
  • Disciple Linda Oliver

Disciple of Exhortation:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by motivating others to action by urging them to pursue a course of change in conduct!

  • Disciple Cheryl Curtis
  • Disciple Greg Gramby
  • Disciple Destini Mosby

Disciple of Evangelism:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by leading people who are beyond our natural sphere of influence to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!

  • Disciple Robert Marshall

Disciple of Giving:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by giving of your material resources, far beyond the tithe, to further the work of God!!

  • Disciple Jeff McFarland

Disciple of Mercy: 

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by identifying with and comforting those who are in distress!

  • Disciple Ruth Dawkins
  • Disciple Nona Green

Disciple of Preaching/Shepherding:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by shepherding Christians through overseeing, training, leading, providing, and caring for the needs of Christian groups.

Disciple of Prophecy:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by proclaiming His truth!

Disciple of Serving:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by rendering practical help in both physical and spiritual matters!

  • Disciple Reggie Ballard
  • Disciple Zechariah Slade

Disciple of Teaching:

Spiritual ability and desire to serve God by making clear the truth of God’s Word with accuracy!

  • Disciple Leonard Shands
  • Disciple Michele Shands
  • Disciple Kiva Slade
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