Membership Requirements

Membership is extended to all. Actual members are those who accept Christ and have been baptized by water, or those who openly confess Christ based on baptism at another branch of Zion. Upon becoming a member, one must commit to following Jesus Christ, and possess a desire to be an active part of God’s church.

Weekly Worship—where we worship and praise together with our focus and thoughts on the Father, feel our spirits lifted through the Son, and find motivation and encouragement from the Holy Spirit for personal ministry during the week.

Sunday School/Bible Study—where the children and adults come together to share and obtain spiritual nourishment as well as give and receive encouragement. The classes are designed to promote spiritual growth to meet personal needs through pastoral care and guidance through God’s Word.

Personal Quiet Time—where we spend a few minutes during the course of the day reading the Bible with devotional purpose and communicating with God through prayer that drawing to God and God to the individual occurs.

Giving—where we come to the realization that God owns everything and His people have been entrusted to utilize that which He has given responsible in support of Kingdom building purposes. God commanded the Israelites to tithe a minimum of 10% of their income. His Body of Believers use this as a base model for giving with the intent of giving generously over and beyond when prompted by the Holy Spirit. However, when the model is not embraced, the idea is to simply give with the right motivation for the right purpose.

Example: Annual income $20,000 x .10 = $2,000 Weekly $2,000/52 weeks = $38.46 weekly

Sharing Our Faith—where followers of Christ share the Good News of Jesus Christ to people we encounter with the intent of seeing a dying people in their sins come alive in their Savior. The process is simply through our proclaiming by word of mouth and a complimentary lifestyle before all.

The Lord’s Supper—where members of the church partake together the bread and the fruit of the vine in remembrance and recognition of the dying love of Jesus Christ for our sins, preceded by self-examination of all, individually and corporately as the Body of Christ.

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