
Pastor Slade felt The Lord calling him to plant another branch of Zion, in which to reach the lost.  Just like the churches in Acts, RBF started as a house church.  Our inaugural service was held on November 11, 2007 in Bowie, MD.  What a joyous time it was for all of those in attendance!

RBF relocated from Bowie to Upper Marlboro in 2008, yet continued as a house church.  The Lord continued to grow the church and introduce RBF to others.  Each individual who has hearkened the doors has added to RBF in some measure.

We continue to grow as a church and look forward with expectancy to how The Lord will use RBF for His glory.

We continue to grow and go as a church and look forward with expectancy to how The Lord will use RBF for His glory.

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