Acts of Service

Bus Ministry

to provide bus outreach in the Marlboro Meadows community that provides transportation on Sunday morning. Contact: Brother Steve Dawkins

Good Shepherd Visitation

o visit church members and visitors for the purpose of Gospel presentations, hospital visitations, counseling in the home, encouragement to return to church, instruction in baptism, or at member request. Contact: Pastor Reginald Slade

Sunday Fellowship

To assist with the weekly fellowship following Sunday service. Contact: Sister Kiva Slade

Usher Ministry

To greet and assist members and visitors entering worship service.
Contact: Brother Reggie Ballard


To provide Christ-centered, confidential, and free counseling to individuals, couples and families.  Life is challenging but God is able.

Evangelistic Outreach

To reach the lost as we are commanded in God’s Word.  Join us as we seek to share Christ with others.

Sunday School

To provide religious instruction for children and adults.

Worship & Fine Arts

To exhort the body of Christ through worship.  Worship Choir – rehearsal is held Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.  Youth Choir – 2nd Sunday is Youth Sunday and rehearsal is held the week prior.  Dramatic/Dance ministry – on an as needed basis.

Church Calendar

Church Photo gallery